Learn to drive...
...in a safe and comfortable space!
Driving lessons should always take place in a safe space, no matter what the situation is! At Lady School of Motoring in Cramlington, I follow all government guidelines relating to COVID-19 safety and I want to reassure my existing pupils and future students. I also want to say a big thank you to those who have been patient during this unusual situation. I understand that it is not always in our control, and I also want to reassure my pupils that I do not charge for cancellations that happen due to Covid-19.

Hygiene, health and changes relating to Covid-19 at Lady School of Motoring
We all know that when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, Cramlington and our local area was affected just like the rest of the country. Driving lessons were put on hold and I would like to thank all of my pupils and students for being patient during this time. Now that I am able to offer lessons again, I would like to advise everyone that there are some changes to lessons that have now been introduced, in line with government guidelines. Before attending a lesson, you must have read, understood and agree with the following. You will not attend a driving lesson if:
You or anyone you live with has Coronavirus symptoms.
You have been told that you have been in close contact with a person who has Coronavirus, by the NHS Test & Trace Services
You have travelled abroad and need to follow strict border rules
For further information you can visit the government's website regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Before, during and after your driving lesson
Learning to drive is back in motion, but there are some changes to the way lessons will work! Please be aware:
Before your lesson, I will meet you at an arranged point and check your temperature before we enter the car.
There is to be NO physical contact at any time during the driving lesson.
We will not face each other and will limit touching our faces with our hands.
Hands must be washed before and after your lesson.
Gloves can be worn inside the car if you prefer, as can a face covering.
Do not bring personal belongings such as a phone into the car.
The car will be sanitised and cleaned before and after your lesson.
Car windows will be left open, weather permitting.
Find out more about learning to drive with me or contact me if you have any questions.

Lessons available between 8.00am and 8.00pm Mon-Fri
Standard lesson price is £34 per hour
£330 for a 10-hour block booking
Saturday lessons available 8.00am - 1.00pm
Friendly, female Grade A instructor
Payment by bank transfer optional

Learn to drive in safe environment with Lady School of Motoring in Cramlington
Call 01670 730039 or 07928 043822 or fill in the form below and I'll get back to you.